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  • Symposium - Scampia, Italy, July 2010

    17 janvier 2011 ( #Articles )

    En route - Munich For cheapness and convenience I flew early morning Marseille to Munich, where I saw the German version of the shops I've seen in every other airport - plus an authentique Tyrolean tavern, finally decided against any refreshment, boarded...

  • two short poems

    21 janvier 2011 ( #poetry )

    RIVER between its eaten banks a water-band bends gently, slung across the curve of earth, moulding to the sunken forms and images with breath withheld, movements hung within a realm of never-failing liquid rules where plants must bow and only fish may...

  • Polish Symposium - Hucisku, July 2010

    02 février 2011 ( #Articles )

    The trip to Poland didn't start well. I was due to take a bus from Montpellier to Barcelona where I would catch a plane to Katowice. But when the bus arrived at quarter past midnight it was already full. Two hours later I was driving to Barcelona. The...

  • Vendange and frock

    23 mars 2009 ( #News )

    “La dernière Journée - 1992” I found this drawing when I was going through the archives to decide what to show; it confirmed an idea I’d had to make a dress. I did the drawing on the last day of the vendange, a panic in the drizzle to get to the cave...

  • Strolling At Meze

    02 juin 2011 ( #poetry )

    Strolling at Meze The sand, even The sea feigns stillness beneath high mild evening air, strewn wide with slated clouds, waiting to build-black against arriving stars, Even while last slurries of sun, heap on hap-less cumulus, commas, colons, people punctuating...

  • The horizon series

    12 janvier 2011 ( #paintings )

    Gr. Horos, a limit. Horizon, bounding. The limit of one's experience or apprehension. (Chambers) The pictures don't really make sense as an entirety. There is a tonal ambiance contained within horizontal bands, but it does not add up to a specific image....

  • Un triangle quadrilateral

    15 septembre 2009 ( #Articles )

    le quatrième angle - non variable! Et les anglais? Ah oui, flegmatiques! Même la canicule du midi ne les excite pas. Il faut le dire, les Londoniens n´ont pas toujours la peau rose. Les manques dans le langage n´étaient pas un problème. Ils s´intégraient...

  • Derniers instants avant l'ouverture

    07 avril 2009 ( #News )

    Richard Johnson, patron de la galerie with Tony White Lucy donne un dernier coup de balai Otto tient le bar Gaby Campbell, la patronne Le buffet Dernière clope dans le jardin Galerie vue du jardin Vue d'ensemble sur l'exposition Tony White, dernières...

  • L'Astronomie

    23 mars 2010 ( #Articles )

    L’ASTRONOMIE Il y a quelques jours, Nadine m’a appelé, c’était urgent. Il y a quatre ans j’étais à Gange avec Nadine. En passage. Dans le marché j’ai acheté un couteau, fabriqué à la main, que j’utilise presque chaque jour. Ce soir-là nous sommes allés...

  • HUCISKU 2011

    13 février 2012 ( #Articles )

    HUCISKU 2011 The first important event at Hucisku this year was to meet Felek III, the new companion of Adam Wsiolkowski To test the endurance of the participants, Bartosz took us on a trek - during which we lost the way and had to ask a student working...

  • Un triangle quadrilateral

    16 septembre 2009 ( #Articles )

    Le troisième angle: variable! C´était un événement, mais quelque part cimenté sur l´hypoténuse entre Londres et Péret. Comme les deux autres frivolités de cette été, une folie d´organisation et sur papier, une idée exceptionnelle qui aurait pu disparaître...

  • Un Triangle Quadrilateral - cultural exchanges, France, London and Elsewhere...

    17 septembre 2009 ( #Articles )

    Le premier angle. Les préparations pour mon exposition m´avaient occupé pendant presque six mois. Avant ça, un voyage aux Etats Unis. Avant ça, la Toussaint et la rentrée. Et avant ça, Les Vacances. D´été. Alors, l´occasion d´être OBLIGE de faire de la...

  • cowboy

    15 mars 2010 ( #paintings )

    “The Cowboy’s Evening Meal - restauration & revival” January - March 2010 This painting is a return to an on-going series that might be called Table Manners. They all happen at a table, an object I like, for eating, writing, drawing, reading, even sleeping!...

  • The Summer Began ... in Aniane

    06 octobre 2010 ( #Articles )

    The first evening... people started arriving from all over Europe... some, a little tired after a long journey. my friend George was back, taking a walk on the wild side, showing off his apron, getting some advice from Jonathon, while others worked quietly......

  • Interlude

    09 janvier 2011 ( #paintings )

    After Aniane, I had a month to prepare works to take to symposiums at Scampia in Italy and Hucisko in Poland, plus 3 miniatures to postulate for an exhibition of miniatures at Czestochowa in Poland. Scampia : Mano Sensorum I, II, III. Hucisko: Diptych...

  • Scampia showtime - the portraits

    17 janvier 2011 ( #News )

    During the opening of the show I was going round photographing anything and anybody, when two ladies sitting on chairs asked if I could take their picture. Then their friends asked me to photograph them as well, then their children then... "Hey mister,...

  • "NOW!"

    25 janvier 2013 ( #Collage )

    This is how the painting looked originally. It was quite popular on its various outings in France and America. The accompanying text goes like this : Beyond the old wooden casket, the river, the wash, a paddle-steamer, reeds, sand-bars, and in both his...


    13 février 2012 ( #Articles )

    KRAKOW / LONDON INTERLUDE I had 24 hours in Krakow, a city I love. It was Sunday morning. I strolled around the green belt that encircles the old town center. back past the theatre to the Barbakan (barbican!), which is also a cultural center and opposite...

  • Un triangle quadrilateral

    16 septembre 2009 ( #Articles )

    L e deuxième angle. Les `Voix de la Méditerranée´ sont comme un cadeau: toujours une surprise et toujours accompagnées de doutes: seront-t-elles aussi bonnes que l´année dernière? Cette année, pas d´exception! Le premier jour, on est noyé dans les possibilités....

  • A Surgical Strike - Anniversary Edition

    09 décembre 2009 ( #Articles )

    A Surgical Strike - Anniversary Edition (parental guidance suggested) The first anniversary came and went. No one remarked it, there were no cards, no celebrations. I wasn’t upset, I felt no rejection by my fellow men and unfellow women. After all, it...

  • Tails and Heads

    17 décembre 2012

    Tails and Heads In the Clinic Beau Soleil 19.09.2012 BOTTOMS UP! The thirty minute drive to the clinic (Beau Soleil) in Montpellier at six o'clock in the morning in a state of fast could have been harrowing, but the autoroute was almost as empty as my...

  • ANIANE 2011

    19 décembre 2012

    ANIANE 2011 The 2011 symposium at Aniane was probably the last one, due to Neda moving away, the break-up of the workshop and everyone moving on to other projects. A shame, but the people are still the same, painting will continue, we shall meet again...

  • Mszana Dolna

    27 décembre 2012

    SUMMER 2011 I had arrived late on a rainy evening, so the next morning I went for a walk to get an impression of this quiet rural Polish town. The hotel we were lodged in, Folwar StaraWiniarnia, was originallya centre for wine distribution, a cross-roads...

  • exhibition - Gignac

    06 septembre 2014

    first exhibition in France for some time! L'association Plaisir de lire / Cultures vivantes et la médiathèque municipale de Gignac ont le plaisir de vous inviter au vernissage de l'exposition CALCULS SOUPLES peintures et collages de Tony White Le vendredi...


    25 janvier 2009 ( #short stories )

    FLAMBEE DESSERTS - AN INSIGHT A local environment can be a lot of things. The skyline, built or evolved, the air, friendly or not, the colour of the road, dry or wet; and the message, mobile and Mcluhanesque, that is passing over it. In New England, where...

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